Wednesday, July 20, 2022

 Simplifying life. Less entertainment. Less food. Less busyness. Less information. This is my goal.

 Yesterday I had glide-out shelves installed in the kitchen cabinets. This meant I had to empty four shelves and look at all the things I never use. It was task to hold each item, ask myself when I had last used it, why I had it, and so on. Now my dining room table is full of bowls and platters and containers to give away. I'd like to think my closet is next. 

There's something to be said about all the space that is felt when all that is not needed is set aside. How clear my head feels when I open a drawer and see only things I use. 

Monday, July 18, 2022

 So, I'm making myself do things today. Yesterday was 104 degrees. Today promises the same. I'm writing like I'm doing morning pages. No filter. No edits. Getting things out of my head. I open the refrigerator and don't even want to eat but I make myself cut up a nectarine and some strawberries. Add some yogurt and homemade granola. Check breakfast off my list. I make myself fill the bird feeder. I get tired of doing that sometimes. It makes the yard a mess. I rake up piles of spent seed. Nasty. I pull vines that are taking over the beds. I notice the honeysuckle is dying. Damn heat. So hot it kills honeysuckle. I go inside and have to take a second shower and it's not even noon yet. 

I spend ten minutes to draw a doll again. A pitiful little thing that looks even worse in my drawings. Today is Day 2 of 365x2. 

I like our house. I do. I like our yard that looks like a park. But sometimes I hate all that it involves. I hate that I want things just right. Yeah, I could let the vines take over the azaleas;   I could let the redbud seedlings grow. But I feel compelled to clean it up. Even though it would take a ton of work to do it justice. But I tug and pull and get sweaty and then take my second shower.

Today I will go to my sister's pulmonologist's appointment with her. She's fearful she'll be diagnosed with COPD. And she may be right. I'll go and take notes so we can remember what was said. 

Today I am going to really try to be alcohol free. 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

 July 16, 2022

Looking back, it looks like every year I decide I want to start blogging (writing) again, then I do one or two posts and go on my merry way. I read an article the other day suggesting doing something consistently for two years. Two years. That seemed a bit over the top to me, but it made me wonder. What if I did something every day for two years? What would that feel like? How much improvement would I see? Like write for ten minutes every day for two years. Draw a cat or a bowl or anything every day for two years. 

Right now I am 74 years old. If I started drawing something every day for the next two years, what would happen? One, I would be 76 years old. Two, I might get really good. Something to think about and then maybe blog about? Oh! Two birds with one stone. Do it and write about it. I think I may be on to something.

I've been depressed lately. Several reasons I suppose, but difficult to say really what's behind it. My health. The heat. My rut at home. The fact that I gave up my prozac. All contribute I think. I have no purpose. No joy. Maybe the new plan of Project 365x2 kicks in and at the same time kicks ass.

Maybe I could start a new blog called 365x2. I'm not really sure I can commit to something for two years. One day at a time. Maybe I can commit to that.