Monday, July 29, 2013

Good Karma

This morning my sister and I agreed that we would replace our afternoon wine regimen with afternoon tea, having just returned from four days in the Lake District, where afternoon teas were abundant. I made it my mission today to seek out a proper teapot, some cups and loose tea before she got home from work. I walked to High Street, went in and out of shops, surprised at how difficult it was to find a "cute" teapot. Finally, I went to my favorite store, TK Maxx. They had several pots, varying prices, but no sets. I continued to browse, trying to decide whether to mix and match or move on. I spied two cups with saucers, creamy white on the clearance table, but the other pots in the store just didn't fit with them. I passed them by. Continuing to wander around the store, I saw a woman carrying a teapot that matched the cups and saucers. I stopped her and said, "They have some matching cups and saucers over there." "Yes," she said, "I saw them and couldn't decide. We went away to Cartmel this weekend and I made tea in a teapot and it just tasted so much better. I have a pot at home but this one's so nice. I just didn't know if I wanted the cups." I told her that we too had been in Cartmel, and I was looking for a teapot for my sister and if she hadn't got that one, I probably would have. She asked me if I would get the cups as well. I told her I would, and she handed me the pot and said, "You should have this. I want you to get this for your sister. But you have to get the cups too." We argued a bit about it, but she was insistent and I walked out with a lovely teapot with two matching cups and saucers. Her graciousness gave me goosebumps.

I believe that what goes around comes around.  She will have a great day; she certainly made mine.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely story about 2 lovely ladies! Nat
